主讲人:王尚广北京邮电大学网络技术研究院教授、博士生导师、网络与交换技术国家重点实验室副主任、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者;先后主持/完成国家及省部级项目10余项,发表学术论文超过100篇,ESI高被引收录论文8篇;担任IEEE CLOUD 2020、IEEE EDGE 2018、IEEE ICFCE 2017等多个国际会议的程序委员会主席/共同主席及IEEE EDGE 2020、ICCSA 2016、CollaborateCom 2016等多个国际会议的大会主席,也是IEEE服务计算青年专家委员会...
主讲人:王炜主讲人简介: Dr. Wei Wang is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia. His current research interests include Similarity Query Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Graphs, and Security for AI Models. He has published over a hundred research papers, with many in premier database journals (TODS...
主讲人:王炜主讲人简介: Dr. Wei Wang is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia. His current research interests include Similarity Query Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Graphs, and Security for AI Models. He has published over a hundred research papers, with many in premier database journals (TODS...
报告人:蔡立志研究员 上海计算机软件技术开发中心副主任 上海市计算机软件评测重点实验室主任上海市技术带头人,上海市第十届青联委员,上海市软件行业标兵,上海市闵行区领军人才、中国评测机构联盟技术委员会主任。兼任上海软件质量管理和过程改进委员会副主任、CCF软件工程委员会委员、上海计算机学会软件工程专业委员会副主任、全国信息技术标准化委员会人机交互专业委员会委员、ISO/IEC JTC1/SC...
主讲人:朱琳 上海交通大学医学院临床医学本科,中科院心理所在职研究生。康复科主治医师,国家二级心理咨询师,中国心理卫生协会会员。上海市心理学会临床心理及心理咨询督导专业委员会会员。报告内容:阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种最常见的神经退行性疾病,约占痴呆症患者的60%-80%,目前尚无特效的AD治疗方法。药物治疗可延缓约50% AD患者6-12个月的认知功能衰退(Alzheimer's Association,2017)。随着病...
主题: Design Internet of Things (IOT) for user experience主讲人: Lorna Uden地点: 一号学院楼159室时间: 2018-11-29 10:05:00组织单位: 安博·体育,安博(中国)报告人简介Prof. Lorna Uden is Emeritus Professor ofIT systems in the school of Computing and Digital Technology at StaffordshireUniversity.She has published widely i...
主讲人:Lorna Uden地点:一号学院楼140室时间:2018年11月13日(周二)上午10:05组织单位:安博·体育,安博(中国)报告人简介(Reporter introduction):Prof. Lorna Uden is Emeritus Professor of IT systems in the school of Computing, Engineering and Technology at Staffordshire University. She has published widely in conferences, journals, chapters of books and workshops. Her research interests inc...
主题: Select representative data to train SVM for big data classification主讲人: Xiaoou Li 地点: 松江校区一号学院楼140报告厅时间: 2018-11-15 13:00:00组织单位: 计算机学院主讲人简介:Prof. Xiaoou Li obtained B. S degree of appliedmathematics in 1991 and PhD degree of Automatic Control in 1995 fromNortheastern University, S...
主题: Building Risk Scores for Evaluating Survival after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Using Pre-Tran主讲人: Lue Ping Zhao 地点: 松江校区一号学院楼140报告厅时间: 2018-10-23 13:00:00组织单位: 计算机学院主讲人简介:Dr. Lue Ping Zhao has received his trainingfrom Biostatistics, Computer Science, and Public Health Scien...
主题: Industrial IoT plus AI.主讲人: Tingting Zhang 地点: 松江校区一号学院楼140报告厅时间: 2018-10-25 13:30:00组织单位: 计算机学院主讲人简介:Tingting Zhang is professor in computerengineering, researchleader for computerscience and engineeringresearch in Mid SwedenUniversity and wireless sensornetwork and security(SNS) ...