毕业于华东师范大学信息科学与技术学院,获工学学士、工学博士学位。2019-2021年间,在美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)联合培养。2022年进入安博·体育,安博(中国)计算机学院任教,从事图像智能分析算法研究,涉及医学、遥感、机器视觉等多个领域,在IEEE TMI, ECCV, ESWA等人工智能和图像处理领域的国内外期刊、会议发表论文近二十篇。主持国家自然科学青年基金、中央高校专项基金、上海市重点实验室开放课题等多个科研项目。
(1)Qian Wang, Zhao Chen*. Parallel Wavelet Networks Incorporating Modality Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023 (SCI中科院一区, Top).
(2)Qian Wang, Li Sun, Yan Wang, Mei Zhou, Menghan Hu, Jiangang Chen, Ying Wen, Qingli Li*. Identification of Melanoma from Hyperspectral Pathology Image Using 3D Convolutional Networks, IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging, 2021 (SCI中科院一区, Top)
(3) Qian Wang, Jianbiao Wang, Mei Zhou, Qingli Li*, Ying Wen, Junhao Chu. A 3D attention networks for classification of white blood cells from microscopy hyperspectral images, Optics and Laser Technology, 2021 (SCI中科院二区)
(4) Qian Wang, Jianbiao Wang, Mei Zhou, Qingli Li*, Yiting Wang. Spectral-spatial feature-based neural network method for acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell identification via microscopic hyperspectral imaging technology, Biomedical Optics Express, 2017 (SCI中科院二区)
(5) Zhao Chen, Yahui Xiu, Yuxin Zheng, Xinxin Wang, Qian Wang*, Danqi Guo, Yan Wan. A Weakly Supervised Learning Pipeline for Profiled Fiber Inspection. IET Image Processing, 2023 (SCI中科院三区).
(6) Qian Wang, Qingli Li*, Mei Zhou, Li Sun, Song Qiu, Yiting Wang. Melanoma and Melanocyte Identification from Hyperspectral Pathology Images Using Object-Based Multiscale Analysis, Applied Spectroscopy, 2018 (SCI中科院三区)
(7) CHEN Z, GUO D Q, WANG Q*, et al. Systematic PD-L1 slide analysis based on multi-objective learning[J]. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2024.
(1)Qian Wang and Chen Zhao. A Deep Wavelet Network for High-Resolution Microscopy Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction, ECCV Workshop, 2022 (CCF-B)
(2) Qian Wang, Li Chang, Zhen Sun, Mei Zhou, Qingli Li, Hongying Liu and Fangmin Guo. An improved support vector machine algorithm for blood cell segmentation from hyperspectral images, 2016 IEEE Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC), 2016 (EI)
(3) Qian Wang, Qingli Li, Hongying Liu, Mei Zhou and Fangmin Guo. An automatic blood cell segmentation method based on hyperspectral imaging technology. International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, 2015 (EI)
(4) Qian Wang, Qingli Li, Hongying Liu, Yiting Wang and Jianzhong Zhu. An improved ISODATA algorithm for hyperspectral image classification, 2014 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2014. (EI)
1. 多模态病理信息融合及分析算法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(2024.01-2026.12),主持
2. 基于光谱解混的高光谱病理图像亚像元分析方法研究,华东师范大学上海市多维度信息处理重点实验室开放课题 (2022.9-2023.12),主持
3. 基于亚像元空谱属性表征的高光谱病理图像分割方法研究,中央高校专项资金自由探索项目(2022.1-2024.12),主持
4. 病理全玻片多模态高通量光谱成像的多维深度学习及肿瘤早期诊断研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020.1-2023.12),参与
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Optics & Laser Technology, Displays, Electronics 等期刊审稿人;国际学术会议CISP-BMEI组委会委员