女 副教授 计算机应用系
生物信息 图数据查询 分布式并行计算
《操作系统原理》 《Linux系统》
1.王璿,张瑜,周军锋,陈子阳.基于社交网络的影响力最大化算法.通信学报.2022.43(8):151-163 (EI,中文卓越梯队期刊)
2.Xiaozhe, Xuan Wang , Junfeng Zhou, Ming Du. buTCS: An Optimized Algorithm for Estimating the Size of Transitive Closure. IEEE Access. 2021.8:116528-116539 (SCI,2区)
3.Xuan Wang, Ziyang Chen, Ziyang Chen. Research on the Optimal Methods for Graph Edit Distance. AISS 2021.11 (EI,ACM系列国际会议)
4.Xuan Wang, Lusha Zhai, Ziyang Chen. An Improved Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Finding Top-k Longest Common Subsequence. NLPIR 2020.12 (EI,ACM系列国际会议)
5.Xuan Wang, Ding Wang, Ziyang Chen.Uncertain String Matching Based on Bitmap Indexing. ICMLC 2020.02 (EI,ACM系列国际会议)
6.F Zhang, Y Chen, F Ren, X Wang, ZY Liu and XH Wan. “A Two-phase Improved Correlation Method for Automatic Particle Selection in Cryo-EM”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2017,14(2):316-325. (SCI,3区)
7.F Zhang, JR Zhang, A Lawrence, F Ren, X Wang, ZY Liu, and XH Wan, BSIRT: A Block-Iterative SIRT Parallel Algorithm Using Curvilinear Projection Model, IEEE Trans Nanobioscience, 2015,14(2): 229-236 (SCI,3区)
8.WangXuan, ZhangFa Prediction of siRNA Efficacy using BP neural network and Support Vector Machine. Applied Mechanics and Materials.2015,701-702:214-218 (EI)
9. 陈子阳,王璿*,汤显.面向XML关键字查询的高效RKN求解策略. 通信学报.2014,35(7):46-55 (EI,中文卓越梯队期刊)
10. 陈子阳,韩玉俊,王璿*,周军峰.高效的top-k相似字符串查询算法. 通信学报.2014, 35(12):10-20 (EI,中文卓越梯队期刊))
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目 “面向高分辨率冷冻电镜的高效处理技术”(2023.1-2026.12) 主持
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 “基于mRNA结构信息挖掘及多机器学习方法融合的siRNA设计算法研究” (2012.1-2014.12) 主持
3.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 “基于信息熵的社交网络社会影响传播问题的研究” (2017.1-2019.12) 参与人第二
4.国家自然科学基金专项基金项目“面向XML数据的通用查询技术研究” (2011.1-2012.12) 参与人第二
《立体仓库3D可视化监控系统》2022 软件著作权
Wang Xuan
Bio: She was born in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang. She graduated and obtained bachelor's degree in 1999 from Yanshan University. And she obtained master's degree in computer science and technology, and doctor's degree in circuit and system in 2002 and 2008 respectively from Yanshan University. From 1999 to 2019, she taught in the School of Information Science and Engineering of Yanshan University, and since June 2019, she has taught in Donghua University. Her research focus on biological information processing, graph data query, distributed parallel computing. Now, she has presided over two NSFC projects, and participated in two NSFC projects, and directed more than 30 graduate students.
Research Areas: Biological information; Graph Data Query; Distributed and Parallel processing
Main Courses Taught: 《Principles of Operating System》《Linux》
1.Wang Xuan, Zhang Yu, Zhou Junfeng, Chen Ziyang.Influence maximization algorithm based on social network.Journal on Communications.2022.43(8):151-163 EI
2.Xiaozhe Li, Xuan Wang , Junfeng Zhou, Ming Du. buTCS: An Optimized Algorithm for Estimating the Size of Transitive Closure. IEEE Access. 2021.8:116528-116539 SCI
3.Xuan Wang, Ziyang Chen, Ziyang Chen. Research on the Optimal Methods for Graph Edit Distance. AISS 2021.11 EI
4.Xuan Wang, Lusha Zhai, Ziyang Chen. An Improved Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Finding Top-k Longest Common Subsequence. NLPIR 2020.12 EI
5.Xuan Wang, Ding Wang, Ziyang Chen.Uncertain String Matching Based on Bitmap Indexing. ICMLC 2020.02 EI
6.F Zhang, Y Chen, F Ren, X Wang, ZY Liu and XH Wan. “A Two-phase Improved Correlation Method for Automatic Particle Selection in Cryo-EM”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2017,14(2):316-325. SCI
7.F Zhang, JR Zhang, A Lawrence, F Ren, X Wang, ZY Liu, and XH Wan, BSIRT: A Block-Iterative SIRT Parallel Algorithm Using Curvilinear Projection Model, IEEE Trans Nanobioscience, 2015,14(2): 229-236 SCI
8.WangXuan, ZhangFa Prediction of siRNA Efficacy using BP neural network and Support Vector Machine. Applied Mechanics and Materials.2015,701-702:214-218 EI
Main Research Projects:
1.National Natural Science Foundation of China “Efficient processing techniques for high resolution cryo-electron microscopy in situ structure” (2023.1-2026.12) ,PI
2.National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on siRNA design algorithm based on mRNA structure information mining and multi-machine learning method” (2012.1-2014.12), PI
3.National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on Social Impact Communication of Social Network Based on Information Entropy” (2017.1-2019.12), Participant
4.National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on General Query Technology for XML Data” (2011.1-2012.12) ,Participant
Address: Room 253, College Building 1, No. 2999, Renmin North Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai
Tel: 021-67792166
Mail: dhwangxuan@dhu.edu.cn