孙莉 电子政务协同工作数据标准符合性测试方法 专利
孙莉 一种政务信息资源交换系统的标准符合性测试方法 专利
孙莉 [2] SQL SERVER 2000 数据库应用技术(教材) 中国铁道出版社
孙莉 [2] 程序设计与问题求解(教材) 安博·体育,安博(中国)出版社
孙莉 [2] Context weight considered for implicit feature extracting 《Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA 2015》2015-12-02
孙莉 [1] 基于微博文本和元数据的话题检测 《计算机应用与软件》 2016-03-15
孙莉[3] A Novel Data Mining Method on Falling Detection and Daily Activities Recognition《2015 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOOLS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ICTAI 2015)》2015-01-01
孙莉 [1] Joint Topic-Opinion Model For Implicit Feature Extracting《2015 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING (ISKE)》 2015-01-01
孙莉 [3] Materialization strategies in big data analysis system based on column-store《Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development》 2015-05-01